FALCON remains the archetypal five-seater family sedan, capable of seating five adults in relative comfort and each with a three-point seatbelt.
Dual front airbags are standard on all Falcon variants, while side-impact airbags remain an option on the XR6-T (and on all XR variants, for that matter), just as they are on the XT and Futura. Only high-series variants, such as Fairmont and above, come with side bags fitted as standard.
The AU Falcon's 60-40 split/fold rear seat continues in the BA range, although it is no longer a full 60-40 arrangement.
A rear seat-back brace has been added (similar to the one employed by Subaru in its Impreza models, for example), which reduces through-loading capacity to not much more than the Commodore's extra-large skiport.
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